Aces Paces

Aces: 0.5 mile run
Exercise A: Elevated Push Up Hold (Rep card equals seconds to hold in the down position before pushing back up. You will only complete 1 rep per card turnover; the intensity will be in the length of the hold. Maintain good form to maximize results-no arching in either direction)
Exercise B: Dips
*Remove all face cards and Jokers*

Not familiar with the game? Check out the instructions here.
Don’t forget to post your results below!

One thought on “Aces Paces

  1. Total workout time: 62 minutes
    Elevated Push Ups: 110 seconds
    Dips: 106 reps
    0.5 Mile Splits (min/mile): 9:28 / 8:58 / 9:08 / 9:42


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